The Integration Game Founders


Life Coach, Trainer



Co-creator Integration Game

Life Coach, Trainer & Musician

Sabin works as a holistic coach and facilitator, cultivating spaces of harmony between body, mind and spirit. He is a certified HeartMath trainer, teaching heart – brain coherence programs.

Sabin has spent the past twenty years living in and working on four continents, contributing to peacebuilding projects from institutional to community level.

His key areas of work include hosting men circles and feminine – masculine harmonizing retreats.

He is passionate about creating music and rock climbing, and loves being outdoors as much as possible.

You can contact Sabin in the following areas:

  • Conscious relationships
  • Heart – brain coherence
  • Conscious masculinity
  • Psycho – somatic integration
  • Intuitive energetic guidance

Languages: Romanian, English


Women Circle Host



Co-creator Integration Game

Writer, Women Circle Host

Iunia has spent the past two decades living in and traveling through 60 countries, on an outer journey that paralleled a deep inner journey, learning about herself and life with each new country, person and experience.

A writer and holistic educator, Iunia has facilitated learning spaces across four continents, for thousands of people of all ages. She is a conscious dance facilitator, yoghini and hypnotherapist, and is in love with hosting women circles, as well as retreats on harmonizing the feminine and masculine within.

People say she is the embodiment of “joy of life”, and she thinks that’s due to her superpower of appreciating the smallest things in life. She is blessed to live her passions each day!

Languages: Romanian, English


Happener &
Tribe connector

Ana Lukacs


Co-creator Integration Game

Happener & Tribe connector

Ana embarked on her journey as a psychotherapist, nurturing her curiosity through diverse paths within corporations and non-governmental organizations, where she spent 17 years.

Amongst these experiences, she learned to be a grounded individual. She adores the tranquility of the woods and finds harmony in the playful company of animals. Within communities, she becomes a constant source of ideas and strategies for personal growth.

Her path has been enriched with precious experiences – from the depths of the ocean she explored while scuba diving to the overwhelming grandeur of the waves she encountered during surfing, from the lively rhythm of her runs to the profound teachings she gained through martial arts.

All these experiences have woven a captivating narrative of her joyful journey through life.


Languages spoken: Romanian, English, Hungarian.

Our Facilitators




Daniela DORU

Meditation Teacher, Mindfulness Coach and Voice of Joy

Daniela has spent the last 20 years discovering personal growth in all areas of her life. She started her journey by studying other people’s behaviours and patterns, until she realized all the external stimuli coming her way were reflections of her own inner world.

Fulfilling many roles – mother, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter – she had to learn how to bring balance to her own life in order to turn potential conflicts into deep connection with all those around her, and into fulfilling and joyful relationships.

Daniela learns with her heart to cultivate her mind, and is passionate about creating safe emotional spaces, both offline and online, in which others can do the same. She embodies the acceptance and joy of life, and lives in Love.

Now, she works with parents, teachers and young people in workshops and individual sessions, offering a safe space for self discovery through the principles of Mindfulness, NonViolent Communication, Holistic Education, empathy and a profound acceptance of everyone exactly as they are.

You can contact Daniela in the following areas:

  • Life Coaching
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Parenting
  • NonViolent Communication

Languages: Romanian, English.


Medical Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation Medicine MD.

Horatiu is passionate about leadership, public speaking and helping people achieve their true potential through mentoring. Other hobbies include photography, writing, birdwatching, handmade stuff, travelling, cycling and martial arts. He is an enthusiast of masculine and feminine dynamic, also on the four archetypes. His motivation is to provide a legacy in a better world.

He belives that we can do the work if we work together. During his Toastmasters career, he discovered his talent in moderating meetings and being a warm hearted host. This helped him ensure a positive environment in every Integration Game setting.

During the pandemic, he was one of the pioneers that helped test the game through online meetings, that later went on to become a large community. He felt the magic of this great game and from that day wants to spread it even further!

Languages: Romanian, English.


Holistic Coach


Holistic Coach & Host

Amalia is passionate about Human development and connection with the Divine. Her roots are Romanian, her current home is Portugal and traveling sets her free.

She dedicated the last 8 years of her life to serving people from all over the world in their personal and spiritual development using various tools, including life coaching, the art of hosting, guided meditation, breath work, free dance and sacred sexuality.

Her interests include shamanism, plant wisdom, expanded states of consciousness, emotional and physical awareness, astrology and yoga.

She works with individuals one to one and with groups, in person and online, in English, Romanian and Portuguese.

The magic of Integration Game has captured her attention immediately and she´s dedicated to creating safe and sacred spaces where other human beings can experience all the gifts and wonders of playing the game.

You can contact Amalia in the following areas:

  • Holistic and Intuitive Life Coaching – reconnecting with your authentic self
  • Hosting spaces of personal and spiritual development – from circles to retreats
  • Conscious and Divine Sexuality – Individual, Couples and Group Processes
  • Guided Meditations – Creative Visualisations for inner tuning

Languages: English, Portuguese, Romanian






Gyorgyi works with children with special educational needs, and at home she is expected by two wonderful girls. She thinks it is a unique experience to work with children, you can learn from them many important things, such as acceptance, patience and unconditional love.

Music and dance occupy an important place in her life, using them both for her well-being and in her profession, for therapeutic purposes.

“What cannot be expressed in words can be said through dance and music.”

Being a graduate of the faculty of psychology, she is always interested in self-knowledge, interpersonal relationships and the mysteries of the human psyche.

She is an optimistic person and open to new experiences, and a playful spirit.

The pandemic helped her discover the game Integration Game, and it was love at first sight. She believes that now is the time to share this wonderful experience with others.

Spoken languages: Romanian, English, Hungarian





Software Developer

He is passionate about coding, electronics and music, not necessarily in the same order :).
He has two kids and in his spare time he likes to watch/listen to talks about the edge of science, like quantum mechanics, theories and so on.
He has an active imagination and I just loves the integration game.
He discovered it playing online during the pandemic and was pleasantly surprised by it.
He does not want to go into details about the game, about how fun it is and how deep it goes, that experience is for you to find out.
Do you take the blue pill or the red pill?
Hint, Matrix quote 🙂

Languages: romanian, english


Kriya Yoga



Kriya Yoga Teacher

Ana is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer who combines creative playfulness with a deep inner journey. Her initial search took her to India, where she became a student and teacher of Kriya Yoga of the Siddhanath Parampara (tradition).

She loves painting, journaling, creating toys as well as hiking, rock-climbing and being in nature.

As she began releasing and transforming layers of emotional and mental heaviness into the lightness of joy and trust through meditation, being present and self-awareness, she is happy to share and empower people to find their own spiritual and creative path.

When she first played the Integration Game, she was amazed at how quickly masks came off and people opened their hearts to each other, and she is now honored to facilitate such deep spaces of connection for other people.

You can contact Ana in the following areas:

  • Kriya Yoga Initiation
  • Surya Yoga
  • Personal development
  • Digital illustration & graphic design
  • Self-transformation through creativity
  • Artistic collaboration

Languages: Romanian, English


Film Editor



Filmmaker, Artist

Originally from Romania, Daria Hupov is a film editor based in Cambridge, UK, though her interests lie in all stages of film production, from writing an idea or script, to bringing it all together neatly through the wonders of post-production. Daria works on a diverse range of film projects, including documentaries, short fiction films and social media content.

In her free time, she keeps her giddy geeky heart happy through writing poetry and diary entries, cycling, playing board games, growing her houseplant collection and reading a variety of science books. Daria’s love for the Integration Game bloomed during the development stages, when she tested a mock version of it for the first time back at the beginning of 2019. The game’s purpose resonated with her desire of creating a safe space where deep and meaningful conversations can flourish, regardless of people’s worldviews or background.

You can contact Daria in the following areas:

  • film editing,
  • filmmaking,
  • artistic collaborations

Languages: Romanian, English





Life Coach & Sustainable Living Facilitator

Diana cultivates contexts of harmonious living, a life with more joy, clarity, gentleness and meaning. Through coaching, she empowers people to (re)create the path of their own lives, with creativity, power and authenticity, for the sake of inner health and outer abundance.

The smell of damp earth, the feet caressed by the morning dew, the scent of roses and the sun embalming her body can always stop time for Diana.

As an educator for sustainable living, for the past 10 years Diana has facilitated learning contexts for people from over 15 cultures and 3 continents. This professional journey offered her the gift of exploring a beautiful diversity of organizational environments, from start-ups to corporations, NGOs, educational institutions, local governments, regional agencies and embassies.

You can contact Diana in the following areas:

  • Life Coaching (private sessions)
  • Hosting and Facilitation of workshops, trainings and camps for Harmonious Living (Online & Offline)
  • Slow Living- Zero Waste Living – Circular Economy (Coaching, Consultancy and Training)

Languages: Romanian, English




Ioana-Alexandra BARBOSU

Civil Engineer, Social Catalyst, Holistic Chef

Romania is the country that nurtured Ioana’s deep roots, and for the last five years Canada has become the home that continues to nourish her life experience. A construction engineer by profession, Ioana’s cartesian structure is gently harmonized by her passion for holistic food, art and dance. Due to her sense of organization, team spirit, interpersonal skills and especially her love and respect for people, Ioana easily creates spaces and facilitates experiences where all participants feel at ease.

Ioana loves the mountains and finds pleasure in nature, where she often practices Kung-Fu. She is fascinated by the biodiversity of life, feels inspired by deep conversations with people and she likes to travel around the globe.

What fulfills Ioana is the joy of harmoniously living an authentic life, day by day, moment by moment, in these extraordinary times.

Spoken languages: Romanian, English, French, Spanish



Mihaela BACANU

Life coach / Journaling evangelist

I am a free spirit, enjoying my life, getting every day closer to the best version of myself. I truly believe that we all have an incredible potential and we are capable of doing amazing things as long as we give ourselves the permission to do so.

I find meaning in guiding, supporting and contributing to people tapping into their highest potential and fulfilling their dream life through coaching, training and creating personalised journaling experiences.

The things which bring me pleasure: running, catching the sunrise, hiking and the beauty of nature, boardgames, colouring mandalas, travel, reading and writing on my blog:

Since my passion for coaching and journaling leads me to explore powerful questions, Integration Game is tailor made for me. I am always searching to have authentic conversations and build meaningful connections, that’s why I love and I am grateful for hosting it.

Languages: Romanian, English, Spanish

You can contact Mihaela for

  • coaching,
  • training,
  • journaling or simply if you want to begin writing more and you don’t know where to start from.


Psych-K Facilitator


Oana Oșan

Psych-K Facilitator & Coach

Oana lives remotely, but connected to a place where magic does happen – Casa din pământ (Rammed Earth House) – where people relax, seek and find, explore, enjoy and connect. More than simple words, these are also the things that characterise her.

Beyond hosting people in a magical land, Oana loves guiding those who seek a connected and conscious living through coaching and Psych-K, her favorite instrument for rewriting subconscious mind programs. She is an explorer and finds immense joy in nature, alongside her family and friends. Her newest hobby is facilitating the Integration Game.

In the last two decades, you might have met her in outdoor team-building & adventure programs and trainings. She is grateful to have been involved in over 800 programs with 15000 people, incredible experiences that shaped her life’s journey.

Nowadays, she is ready to refine and share her skills in a more subtle way: from her inner Child to her actual 4 year-old Child, it’s all about integrating it in the Game!

You can contact Oana for:

  • Psych-K
  • Life coaching
  • Accomodation at Casa din Pământ for sessions, workshops or just to keep up with nature’s way.

Languages: Romanian, English

Anca Cristina

Innovation Programs


Anca Cristina Macau

Innovation Programs Facilitator

Since she was little, Anca was captivated by the mysteries of the world, and for a long time her steps were guided by questions to understand them, from micro to macro cosmos, from cells to stars and planets.

She spent the last 8 years hosting creativity and innovation workshops around the world, following the same fascination for the human mind and how new ideas are born into this world. She always loved questions more than the answers, and with each experience she was led to deeper inner discoveries and development of herself.

Her passion for life and her innate curious spirit are joined by her love for nature and art. She believes Mother Nature is the greatest artist of all, and also our biggest support in unraveling our inner creative force.

Currently, she plays with her inner artist creating mandalas and macrame home decor in her studio at

Languages: Romanian, English


Energy Healing

WhatsApp Image 2022 02 01 at 5.14.01 PM

WhatsApp Image 2022 02 01 at 5.14.01 PM


Sinje is a nomad and traveler from Germany.

5 years ago she started her inner journey while traveling through South and Southeast Asia. Coming home from her travels she just knew that this is the life she wants to live.

Based in Bali she is now supporting others in their journey to create a location independent life & follow their joy and passions.

You can contact Sinje for 1:1 Coaching and Business Mentoring to help you break away from what’s holding you back as well as starting and growing your location independent business.

Spoken languages: English, German